#5 – Face Towels. Who needs them?

I sometimes grab a shower towel, but later discover that the towel was the wrong size.  This makes for an awkward circumstance.  I don’t want to streak across the house for a towel, and the idea of screaming to have someone fetch me one while I’m wet and cold is not really appealing either.  So there I am, cold wet and naked, having to pad myself down with a hand towel.

This entire system of towels has become ridiculous.  You have your full body towels, hand towels, face towels, and even floor towels for when you get out of the shower.  Not only is it confusing, but its counter productive.  First, even if your washing your face it makes sense to use a larger towel.  If your like most people, you use your towel a couple times before you wash it, but with small towels, they get dirty so fast, you have to wash them right away.  Larger towel, means larger surface area, which translates into more use.  Second, they have a very narrow function.  Where the full body towel is suitable  for the gym, beach, or the occasional spill that needs emergency clean up, the hand towel only seems to function for decoration, and the occasional light sprits.  

My general rule of thumb is that if its too small to get around my waist it doesn’t belong in the bathroom.  I move to eliminate the face towel.

13 Responses to “#5 – Face Towels. Who needs them?”

  1. duberstein Says:

    These are some great observations. But what will be left of the world when you are done eliminating your nuisances? I fear for our children’s children.

  2. Leela Says:

    I like hand towels. They keep me fresh and they collect less dirt.

  3. Leela Says:

    (even if they get dirty quickly)

  4. chafey Says:

    your spelling is abysmal.

  5. Jessica Says:

    Tagore, you are forgetting that company needs to dry their hands on something, and the towel you have dried your body isn’t really ideal. First, the next time you shower, you might have a totally wet towel from all the guests that have dried their hands on it. Second, even if you are clean out of the shower, no one wants to dry their hands on something that someone else’s skin cells have come off on (hand cells are the exception).

    However, if you get pretty, festive napkins in the bathroom for guests to use (you can get special ones for the holiday seasons), you’re good without the towels.

  6. Jessica Says:

    Talk about grammar- I should have proofread! 🙂

  7. refusenik Says:

    What about midgets? Do you really expect them to use a large body towel? It’s like asking you to use a parachute to dry yourself off. Midgets must be permitted to use hand and face towels.

  8. hitup9xo8 Says:

    hahhhha yaaa why have tham? worhthless! lol rotfl goood 1!!1

  9. Penny Lover 12 Says:

    Your an idiot. First off, how do you mistake a face towel for a full body towel? Thats like mistaking a napkin for a tent. Second, I don’t like the direction this is heading. First its the standardization of the towel, next we all have to drive the same car, and before you know it we are in Stalin’s Russia. You should be trying to encourage our creative expression not hindering it. Face towel decoration is an integral part of interior design, and an art form that should be encouraged.

  10. Annabelle Says:

    a) spritz also means semen in Yiddish… mind your diction.
    b) you clearly haven’t grasped the concept of a “contraction.”

  11. Scott Reedy Says:

    I would agree, except that you haven’t accounted for the fact that most guests try to avoid drying their hands on or wiping their faces with something that has likely touched the home owner’s genitalia. This is especially valid since you pointed out that full-sized body towels aren’t washed after one use.

    I like these, I’ll keep dropping in.

  12. Mermaid Says:

    It’s not the size of the towel that matters here for guests, but WHERE these towels are found and placed. Obviously if the towel is hanging anywhere near the shower or bathtub etc, it should not be used to dry off one’s face. Any idiot would know that. I see no problem with using a sort of standard size for every use. Create a special location beside a sink for guests to use. Fold these towels nicely and have a place for guests to dispose of them after. We can forgive guests for creating extra work for us. We can also let guests enjoy a full towel experience too.

  13. Technojazz Says:

    I think the face and hand towels are good when you wash your hands, and you realize you have to use the toilet. Nobody wants to wet themselves with the water after washing. So, I say you are going the wrong way. Or, just put the hand towels where you won’t accidently grab them.

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